John's Digital WastelandPoetry--

Web Development


O'Er The Seas

O'Er the water so calm,
I looked at the seas.
The sails hung limp,
for there was not a breeze.

I cast my gaze,
out to the fore.
Out there somewhere,
was my destined shore.

I closed my eyes,
and thought of the sight.
The trip would be long,
traveling day and night.

I felt a gust,
it felt like a gale.
Up I looked,
and found a billowing sail.

I had found my way,
onwards did I travel.
Sailing through mysteries,
that would slowly unravel.

Fear gripped my heart,
held tight my breath.
For I did what I did,
and did it my best.

I knew not the end,
nor the result.
I ply my trade,
tho I may be hurt.

The sight of that shore,
is my dream and desire.
But I fear that I sail,
into waters quite dire.

I take a deep breath,
to put the fear aside.
Whatever the ends,
I will accept and abide.

I pray that the sight,
of that lovely shore.
Will give my heart,
a loving cure.

Though I travel through,
seas and straits.
I cannot fight them,
cannot alter the fates.

This path I did not choose,
for my heart is in the lead.
My soul body and mind,
follow and take heed.

I sail my waters,
and travel the coast.
Looking for a love,
that I may boast.

Heed me this day,
all ye young sailors.
You will follow,
follow my wake and trailers.

Keep heart new men,
a destination will be found.
Tho we may sail,
this world round 'n' round.

John Evans
Inspiration: KSF